Five Tips for Growers Overwintering Grasses

Five Tips for Growers Overwintering Grasses

Overwintering gives you a head start on spring sales. Here are five tips.

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Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Six: Fire

Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Six: Fire

As disruptive natural events become more common, there is an increased need for communities to recover quickly and regenerate. Working with nature – instead of against it – to build resilient landscapes provides a foundation for recovery and regeneration that can improve human and ecological health. Our first post in this six-part series defined a resilient landscape, the framework to build one, and how grasses, sedges, and rushes fit into these plantings. If you missed that post, check it out here. In our final post, we will discuss fire.

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Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Four: Flooding

Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Four: Flooding

As disruptive natural events become more common, there is an increased need for communities to recover quickly and regenerate. Working with nature – instead of against it – to build resilient landscapes provides a foundation for recovery and regeneration that can improve human and ecological health. Our first post in this six-part series defined a resilient landscape, the framework to build one, and how grasses, sedges, and rushes fit into these plantings. In this post, we examine and discuss solutions for the most frequent natural disaster, flooding.

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Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Three: Extreme Heat

Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Three: Extreme Heat

As disruptive natural events become more common, there is an increased need for communities to recover quickly and regenerate. Working with nature (instead of against it) to build resilient landscapes provides a foundation for recovery and regeneration that can improve human and ecological health. At the beginning of our first post in this six-part series, we cover what makes a landscape resilient, the framework to build one, and how grasses, sedges, and rushes fit into these plantings. Our third post covers extreme heat.

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Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Two: Drought

Grass & Sedges for Resilient Landscapes, Part Two: Drought

As disruptive natural events become more common, there is an increased need for communities to recover quickly and regenerate. Working with nature (instead of against it) to build resilient landscapes provides a foundation for recovery and regeneration that can improve human and ecological health. A resilient landscape is an adaptive, forward-looking framework that works with nature to design and retrofit communities, and spaces to recover quickly and provide solutions from extreme events such as loss of biodiversity, drought, extreme heat, fire, flooding, and landslides. In this six-part blog post series, we examine each of these extreme events and recommend grasses and sedges that work well in resilient landscapes. Our second post covers Drought.

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